HELIUM Canandmag


The HELIUM Canandmag is an FRC-legal on-axis magnetic rotational encoder with 14 bit precision, CAN output and PWM output. It features a built-in zero button for quick and accurate resetting of absolute position. Its CAN output makes it ideal for use with robotics controllers and its 10 pin PWM output allows for direct integration with many motor controllers such as the REV Spark Max or CTR-Electronics Talon SRX without requiring an adapter board in between.

The encoder is directly drop in compatible with many popular designs, such as the Swerve Drive Specialties MK4/MK4i and West Coast Products SwerveX (with the WCP Swerve-X Case add-on).

This product is compatible with the Through Bore Encoder Upgrade.

Package Contents:

  • Helium encoder board
  • Encoder case (1 bottom and 1 top piece)
  • Alternative breakaway case top piece
  • 0.25 diameter x 0.5" length diametric magnet
  • 20 long 10 pin IDC cable
  • 2x 3-48 countersunk bolts, 0.5 length
  • 1x M2.5 case screw
  • WCP Swerve-X Case (Only with WCP SwerveX add-on)


Main Product Documentation

Functional Equivalent Spare Parts

CAN API Docs: Java

CAN API Docs: C++

CAD Files:

Full Canandmag

Canandmag - Breakaway

WCP SwerveX Case

SwerveX Case - Case Top

SwervX Case - Case Middle

3D Printing Optimized SwerveX Case - Case Top

3D Printing Optimized SwerveX Case - Case Middle

3D Printing Optimized SwerveX Case - Case Spacer

Operating Voltage:
4.2-18 V
Maximum RPM:
15000 RPM
PWM Period:
2048 us
PWM Frequency:
488.3 Hz
PWM Signal Range:
1-2047 us